“The Spanish nation is the gathering of all Spaniards from both hemispheres.”–Chapter I, Title I, Article 1 You may recall that last month I posted a “pic of the week” titled “Banner Proclaiming the Spanish Constitution of 1812.” Well, on that subject, two hundred years ago today, on Thursday, March 19, 1812, the Constitution of …
This week’s interview is with Jeanine Cali who is a writer for the Law Library’s Outreach Team. Jeanine had previously worked at the Law Library from 2003 to 2009 as a legal reference librarian and has recently returned to the Law Library. Describe your background I began work at the Law Library of Congress in …
The following is a guest post by Roberta I. Shaffer, Law Librarian of Congress. Roberta has posted to the blog on multiple occasions including: Happy Old Year, The Law Library of Congress Strategic Plan Released, and My Trip to the Future. Another year has passed and I am pleased once again to send you great cheer and …
From time to time we have the pleasure of working collaboratively with members of other service units of the Library of Congress. Today’s interview is with Yasmeen Khan, Senior Rare Book Conservator in the Preservation Directorate’s Conservation Division at the Library of Congress. We have worked with her on numerous conservation projects involving the Law Library’s treasures and …
Today (currently Saturday, November 26 in New Zealand) is election day in New Zealand. In addition to voting for a candidate standing in their district (“electorate“) and for the political party that they want in Parliament, voters will be participating in a referendum on whether the electoral system should be changed. The current electoral system …
This week’s interview is with Nathan Dorn, who is a rare book technician in our Collection Services Division. Nathan is no stranger to In Custodia Legis; he recently wrote a guest piece on the Law Library’s Jewish law collection. Describe your background. I’ve been working at the Law Library for just over five years, first …
We occasionally highlight content on our blog that is viewed the most. There are retrospective blog posts with the top viewed posts each month, top weekly articles in the Global Legal Monitor (including what’s hot this year), the top weekly bills in THOMAS, and information about how to get top bill alerts by RSS and …