There were more than 200 new posts published on In Custodia Legis during 2017. As usual, these were written by multiple authors from the different parts of the Law Library of Congress. The blog team has representatives from our team of reference librarians, our foreign law specialists, staff who manage our physical and digital collections, …
On this day in 1832, John C. Calhoun submitted his resignation as the seventh Vice President of the United States. First elected to the House of Representatives in 1810, he would spend almost all of the remainder of his life serving in either the executive or legislative branches. He had a towering intellect, an overweening ambition, and a strong sense …
The blog post describes the relationship between church and state in Germany and focuses on the status of religious societies as corporations under public law and religious classes in public schools.
It is a curiosity of history that while the office of the Attorney General of the United States was created by the first congress as a part of the Judiciary Act of 1789, the Department of Justice was not authorized until over eighty years later, in 1870. Section 35 of the Judiciary Act provided And …
The following is a guest post by Marie-Philippe Lavoie, an intern who worked with Tariq Ahmad in the Global Legal Research Directorate of the Law Library of Congress this summer. The globalization of business has allowed multinational corporations to conduct economic activities that transcend national boundaries. These activities have had both a positive and a negative impact …
I never know where the inspiration of an On the Shelf post will come from. Today’s stems from a patron request for an item which Ann Hemmens subsequently brought back to me for preservation work. As the 1941 D.C. Building Code sat on my desk, I thought about how many times I’ve told friends and …
Today’s interview is with Samantha Seto, who worked as an intern with the Digital Resources Division this past summer. Describe your background. I am from the suburbs of Florida–the beautiful lands of Tampa Palms. I grew up in a home on a cul-de-sac near a lake and woods filled with deer and evergreen trees. My …
As soon as I saw a reference to “International Podcast Day” on one of our blog team calendars—scheduled for September 30th—I knew that we had to do a post about a podcast episode I had the pleasure of participating in earlier this year. In the Legal Talk Network’s ABA Law Student Podcast episode “The Library …