Technology and digitalization are changing the way we pay. The COVID-19 pandemic has only accelerated the trend away from cash to digital payments. Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, are experiencing an all-time high. Central banks are taking note. On October 20, 2020, the Central Bank of The Bahamas launched the first worldwide retail central bank digital …
Next month, the Law Library of Congress Legal Research Institute will host U.S. law webinars on researching federal statutes, navigating, and utilizing the Law Library’s collections, including collections that can be accessed online. Information about the contents of each class can be found below. webinar Date: Thursday, May 6, 2:00 – 3:00 PM …
Join us on Thursday, April 22, at 2:00PM EDT for a new Foreign and Comparative Law Webinar, Brazilian Criminal Procedure Law: Is a Criminal Conviction Really Enforceable? Criminal prosecution in Brazil has always been the subject of great controversy. Conflicting interpretations of the law by the superior tribunals in recent high profile cases have disrupted …
Next month, our librarians will instruct on tracing federal regulations and using the Law Library’s online resources through More information about the contents of each class can be found below. Orientation to Law Library Collections Date: Tuesday, March 9, 1:00 PM ET – 2:00 PM ET Content: Introduces participants to information about the Law …
Along with the Law Library’s stand-alone webinars scheduled for February, including our inaugural Lunch and Learn webinar on the Serial Set, we are presenting some of our traditional offerings. Next month, our librarians will instruct on researching federal statutes and navigating These courses are great for both experienced researchers and those who are unfamiliar …
Over the past few months we have announced upcoming webinars in individual blog posts. We are switching things up a little and announcing all U.S. law webinars in one blog post for the month of August. We will continue notifying you about individual foreign law webinars, such as the upcoming presentation on global regulation of …
On March 2, 2020, Israel is going to hold its third national election in 11 months, with the first having taken place on April 9, 2019, and the second on September 17, 2019. The current (22nd) Knesset (Israel’s parliament) was sworn in on October 3, 2019. Israel maintains a parliamentary system of government. No Knesset member was …
Israel’s next general election is scheduled for March 17, 2015, just a little over two years since the prior election that took place on January 22, 2013. According to Basic Law: the Knesset, elections to the Knesset (Israel’s parliament) are supposed to take place every four years. However, the Knesset can decide to dissolve itself …
The Law Library of Congress and the Federal Bar Association (FBA) Criminal Law Section are co-hosting an event to mark a year-long commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Criminal Justice Act of 1964. This landmark legislation secured the 6th Amendment right to counsel in federal court. The event will begin with remarks by David Mao, …