Howdy, folks! (Sorry, my Wyoming roots are showing.) The Library of Congress finally has its own official Twitter feed. You can follow us here:
“Library of Congress” was too long as a user name, so in the spirit of Twitter itself, we’ve been truncated.
As I’ve been alluding for some time, we are on the cusp of many more forays into the Web 2.0, and I hope to bring more announcements soon (most likely weeks, not months). We are going to be pushing some incredible content out to the world in new ways and in new spaces — just a smattering of the millions and millions of digital resources we have online, of course, but presented with the fantastic interactivity of these new Web tools.
We also hope it will be an enticement for folks to check out the vast treasure trove of free resources at
Comments (15)
Please tweet out links to helpful library tools/sites. There are many great resources that people just don’t know about.
Congrats and welcome to the Twitter world. Can’t wait to learn more about the Library of Congress, the people behind it, and why it is important. Let me know if you need any social media tips.
Matt, congrats on getting approval for and starting the Twitter account but what do you guys plan to use it for?
Will it just repurpose existing LOC RSS feeds or will you tweet, in a first person perspective, about the the comings and goings of the Library?
While both would be beneficial, I think the latter would be FAR more interesting and cause folks to have more of a relationship with the institution.
Will you guys be using it for customer service? There are a lot of folks who tweet about the Library of Congress:
As food for thought, my buddy Mark Drapeau wrote a column about brands using Twitter, which you might find interesting…
Wellcome LOC to the Twitterverse! We started tweeting only a few days ago ourselves. I’m looking forward to seeing more libraries join in – thanks for helping to lead the way. @puclibrary (Patrick Benner)
Seems your already very active 2,000+ followers and 100 updates in under one month, well done!
Don’t know if you installed that already, but if not – there are a couple of plugins for wordpress that send the headlines of every new post to twitter.
I found your blog on Google. I’ve bookmarked it and will watch out for your next blog post.
Congratulations and thank you! Another great example of our government leveraging technology to improve transparency and engage with the public. We have talked about the benefits of Twitter marketing for all types of organizations of all sizes. The White House is getting active on Twitter too. Great to see. Will definitely follow.
So how has being Twitter worked out for since January? Most individuals and companies find Twitter highly successful in spreading their message to a target audience. Contrats on helping to lead the way into web 2.0. We will follow you soon.
The Green Team
Congrats on the with the twitter account 15,000+ followers is impressive. How are you finding it over the last few months? I’ve just recently set up a twitter account and the response I get from using it was beyond my expectations.
Blaine Bullman
The only real problem with Twitter, at the least the only one that counts in this case, is that the posts appear for such a short time in anyones Twitter window; so unless people constantly check, how will they know of new posts?
Alan Paterson
Alan: There’s a RSS feed available for every Twitter account.