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Uncle Sam 2.0: U.S. Government Goes YouTube

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The U.S. federal government has joined several of the departments and agencies under its vast umbrella, including the Library of Congress, that have channels on YouTube.

The site aggregates other channels from across the government and features select video content.

The channel is broken down into handy playlists by topic such as Health and Nutrition, Science and Technology, and History, Arts and Culture — the category into which the Library falls.

What do you think about the government (and your de facto national library) moving into spaces like YouTube?  What kind of additional content would you like to see?

Comments (7)

  1. This is fabulous. For me, all avenues (including social media) that the government can use to connect to the citizens of the country, the better. Access to our history and other information is critical to a vibrant and intelligent citizenry in going forward. Thanks so much.

  2. Education comes from many varied places, including: 1) the Academy, 2) personal trainers or teachers in specific areas,
    3)newspapers, 4) television, 5) radio and 6) multiple events lived in each person’s life.

    If we have the Library of Congress in a a blog in You Tube, it can become a great learning tool for evryone, including first and foremost: students, teachers and investigators in general…

  3. I’d rather see the videos on since it’s a non-profit site for exactly these things, especially to see them in the non-patent encumbered OGG Theroa video format.

  4. thank you making video content available online especially on youtube. It’s nice to see gov making content available on site that is mainly visited by young audience.

  5. WOW! I had no clue they did YouTube. I’ve only recently started working with it, including posting at couple at my eldercare & grandkid site, SandwichINK (Sandwich Generation, you know 🙂 ). I’ll have to check it out to see if it has videos of interest to my readers. It could be a great resource for blogs. Thanks for the info 🙂

  6. I think its good. That way the government can promote (with competition) in a more dynamic way. Also fight back/defend all that nonsense that get spread threw this channels at times. It also give people a way to search for more resources about the party their are following.

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