East may be East, and West may be West – but music is universal, and if the music is jazz, it’s even open all night!
On Wednesday, Sept. 30 from noon to 1 p.m., Larry Appelbaum, the Library of Congress’ jazz music specialist, will co-anchor “A Russian-American Jazz Summit – Conversations on the American Influence on Russian Jazz” with Cyril Moshkow, editor-in-chief of the site Jazz.ru. The dialogue will be in Dining Room C of the Library’s James Madison Memorial Building at 101 Independence Ave., S.E. in Washington. The event, cosponsored by the Open World Leadership Center and the Library’s Music Division, is free and open to the public.
Appelbaum says he knows Moshkow “because we’re both jazz journalists and have met in various cities around the world” at jazz events they’ve both covered.
“When I heard he was coming to Washington, I thought it would be nice to have a conversation with Cyril about what’s going on on the Russian jazz scene and specifically, how much of the language of Russian jazz is American, and how much is Russian? In other words, what is Russian about Russian jazz? So we’re going to try and get at that in our conversation.”
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