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‘Twas the Night Before the Night Before Christmas …

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… And despite all good cheer,

It sized up as “boringest night of the year.”

Still 36 hours until Christmas dawning,

And reruns of reruns were leaving ‘em yawning.

The tree decorating had happened last week

The lineup of movies appeared rather bleak.

The cookies were eaten; the sprinkles were scattered

No Christmas ‘till Christmas! That’s clearly what mattered.


Yet out on the web was a trove worth a look:

A digitized shelf-full of rare, classic books.

By Dickens!

By Moore! and

By Frances H. Burnett!

And free off the web –

You won’t have to return it!


So, hold off those sugar-fueled siblings’ catfights

By letting them read “The Arabian Nights.”


And with one shopping day left, right next to that Wii™,

You can guarantee holiday books  ‘neath that tree.


Merry Christmas to all … and to all, a good read!

Comments (4)

  1. Thank-you, how very clever! i was really interested in the Arabian Nights, but it wasn’t clearly visible enough for me to read.
    Sad, that!

  2. The person who wrote that clever ditty has never had small children, nor middle-sized children — no, not even big children with children of their own. Had that been the case, she would never have been bored on the Day before the Day before Christmas — worrying about what to read (most of us who read this Blog have large libraries; we have no need to resort to the internet….oh, and we would give anything, yes, anything, to be lying in some comfortable spot reading from said library) Instead, we are waiting in a long line at Macy’s…or Pottery Barn…or Anne Taylor or Crate & Barrel or even Barnes & Noble or any one of a number of stores that are still in business…OR, we are wrapping up a fruitcake, or a vase we recieved the previous year to Fed Ex to Auntie, Boston to Austin, Texas. Would the author of “The Night Before…….” like to trade places, by any chance? If so, please be in touch with me. I’ll read from your Dicken’s collection; you can take care of the leftover chores at my house. Thanks. PS: Don’t forget the red bandannas or the wrapped rawhide bones for the dogs — the Children would never forgive you. Or, by chance do I address a “He?” But of course!

  3. As a book lover, and life long library user, thank you for showing me the site to see Rare, Classic, and Free Books!!! Yippee


    T’was the night before Christmas when all through the
    bar all the wine had been stocked in even the car.
    The whisky was stashed in the cupboard with care in hopes that when needed it would still be there.

    The kids were sacked out asleep in their beds as visions of pink elephants floated over their heads.

    Now…she in her slippers and I in my socks were just
    kicking back to a tall bottle of scotch. When out in
    the front we heard laughing and talking, car doors
    slamming and foot steps a walking.

    Before I could reach it the door flew open and in
    came our guests a laughing and joking. There was
    Bill and Tom…their wives and the rest, joking and smoking and creating a mess.

    They each said hello then went straight to their tasks
    of pouring booze into each little glass.

    We partied through the night, we all had a ball,
    “Drink away! Drink away! Drink away all!”

    It was just about mid-night we heard on the roof, sleigh bells ringing and reindeer

    When what to our bloodshot eyes should appear but the
    big man in red with full white beard.

    He filled all the stockings then turned around
    and joined the rest of us in partying down.

    He sampled all the drinks during that memorable hour,
    although he seemed to be partial to Whisky-sour.

    With the red in his eyes I knew one thing,
    it was time for Santa to split the scene.

    He made his way back up to his sleigh and deer
    and then shouted to them, “Let’s get out of here!”

    But we heard him exclaim as they flew off with the wind, “Happy Christmas to all! What a party its been!”

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