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Archive: March 2010 (3 Posts)

Image of an ornate clock showing 2:05 with sculpted male figures sitting on each side of the clock face

Poet Laureate Shares Creative Process Virtually

Posted by: Matt Raymond

(The following is a guest post by my colleague Donna Urschel.) Did you ever wonder how the literary giants create their work?  Does it just pour out of them effortlessly?  Or is there some sort of magic trick? On April 1, master poet Kay Ryan, the 16th Poet Laureate of the United States, will provide …

Image of an ornate clock showing 2:05 with sculpted male figures sitting on each side of the clock face

Photo Go Bragh!

Posted by: Matt Raymond

Top o’ the Morning to you! Even though I’m only one-quarter Irish, millions of folks, even those without a drop of Irish blood, are celebrating the wearing o’ the green today. Our Prints and Photographs Division decided to mark the day by putting out a call to picture-lovers to post “now” images of locations in …

Image of an ornate clock showing 2:05 with sculpted male figures sitting on each side of the clock face

Country Roads Bring CMA to Library Concert, Collections Display

Posted by: Matt Raymond

Most musicians probably would be satisfied during a performance with a single standing ovation.  But at a rousing concert Tuesday in the Coolidge Auditorium, the crowd leapt to their feet in applause no less than four times for a half dozen of country music’s most popular and influential stars—and even surprise “guest performer” Librarian of …