Here’s a roundup of what’s been going on in the Library of Congress blogosphere in June.
- In the Muse: Performing Arts Blog
“How to Find Your Snooky Ookums: A Guide to the Irving Berlin Collection”
Pat Padua presents a guide to the Irving Berlin Collection.
- The Signal: Digital Preservation
“Every Format on the Face of the Planet”
Leslie Johnston talks about the challenges of digital preservation.
- Picture This: Library of Congress Prints & Photos
“Caught Our Eyes: On the Head of a Pin”
Kristi Finefield gives insight on a recent discovery.
- In Custodia Legis: Law Librarians of Congress
“The Show Outside the Supreme Court – Pic of the Week”
The Supreme Court rules on the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
- Teaching with the Library of Congress
“Blog Round-Up: Political Cartoons”
Take a look at some previous blog posts offering help on using political cartoons in the classroom.
- Inside Adams: Science, Technology & Business
“Transit of Venus: The Unsung Heroes”
Guest blogger Sten Odenwald of NASA discusses the planet Venus.
- From the Catbird Seat: Poetry & Literature at the Library of Congress
Seven poetry books are included in the Library’s “Books That Shaped America” list and exhibition.
- Copyright Matters: Digitization and Public Access
“Quiet But Not Quiescent: Steady Progress on Several Fronts”
Mike Burk gives an update on Copyright Office business.