The Library of Congress blogosphere in August was full of great posts from our many expert curators and staff. Here is just a sampling:
- In the Muse: Performing Arts Blog
The Musical Worlds of Victor Hebert
On Aug. 16, the Library opened a new exhibition on composer Victor Herbert.
- The Signal: Digital Preservation
Digital Preservation Depicted in (Weirdly) Varied Images
Digital preservation is viewed through the lens of popular culture.
- Picture This: Library of Congress Prints & Photos
Child Labor Photos – What Do Children See?
Photos from the Library’s National Child Labor Committee (NCLC) get a little youthful input from the children of curator Barbara Orbach Natanson.
From the Catbird Seat: Poetry & Literature at the Library of Congress
Rob Casper, director of the Library’s Poetry and Literature Center, talks about the legacy of the Poetry Office.
Inside Adams: Science, Technology & Business
An Early History of Life Insurance
2012 Junior Fellow Alec Torte gives a history of the New England Mutual Life Insurance Company.
In Custodia Legis: Law Librarians of Congress
Legal Pirates, Treasure and Murder: A Tale from the South Seas
Kelly Buchanan, chief of the Foreign, Comparative and International Law Division I, discusses the legal angles of a sunken ship and its treasure from 1806.
Teaching with the Library of Congress
Ten Tips to Start the Year with Primary Sources
Here are some ideas from teachers and librarians for ways to use the Library’s primary sources in the classroom.
Copyright Matters: Digitization and Public Access
Current Copyright Search Capability: Tell Us What You Think
Who wants to know? Copyright wants to know what users like and don’t like about their existing online search functionality for copyright records.