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Archive: April 2012 (12 Posts)

Image of an ornate clock showing 2:05 with sculpted male figures sitting on each side of the clock face

Last Chance to See “Creating the U.S.”

Posted by: Erin Allen

On May 5, the Library will close its popular exhibition “Creating the United States.” The exhibition has been on view for four years and seen approximately 2 million visitors passing through its space. Pulitzer Prize-winning historian David McCullough once called it the one exhibition every American should see on a visit to Washington, D.C. Notable …

Image of an ornate clock showing 2:05 with sculpted male figures sitting on each side of the clock face

Today in History: U.S. Enters World War I

Posted by: Erin Allen

From time to time, I’d like to blog about notable historical events or otherwise interesting advents in our nation’s past, courtesy of Today in History, which mines the American Memory collections to discover what happened in our nation’s history on each date throughout the year. Today’s “TIH” marks the day in 1917 the United States …

Image of an ornate clock showing 2:05 with sculpted male figures sitting on each side of the clock face

Read Poets Society

Posted by: Erin Allen

April marks National Poetry Month, a time for poets and lovers of poetry everywhere to unite, recite and delight in the art and in those who have created it. The annual commemoration was inaugurated in 1996 by the Academy of American Poets. Some of my favorite poets include Byron, Tennyson, Yeats and Neruda. And I …