March came in like a lion with lots of interesting posts in the Library of Congress blogosphere. Check out this selection:
Inside Adams: Science, Technology and Business
Guest blogger Trevor Owens interviews astrobiologist David Grinspoon, who knew Carl Sagan as a child.
In Custodia Legis: Law Librarians of Congress
The Law Library recently acquired a compilation of Alberti’s lesser-known works.
The Signal: Digital Preservation
The Signal celebrates the 25th anniversary of the World Wide Web.
Teaching with the Library of Congress
Students can use to dance to study history.
Picture This: Library of Congress Prints and Photos
Kristi Finefield looks at how Union soldiers celebrated March 17.
From the Catbird Seat: Poetry and Literature at the Library of Congress
A Library reference librarian solves a literary mystery.
Folklife Today
Stephanie Hall highlights interviews by women in honor of Women’s History Month.
Just a quick edit need I wanted to make known…
Under Teaching with the LC:
“Students can use to dance to study history.”