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New Online: More Presidents & Newspapers

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(The following is a guest post by William Kellum, manager in the Library’s Web Services Division.) 

July was a relatively quiet month for the Library’s websites, highlighted by the long-planned retirement of THOMAS, covered in this excellent blog post from the Law Library’s In Custodia Legis blog.

New in Manuscripts

The William Henry Harrison Papers have recently been added to the Library’s online collection of presidential papers. This collection joins eight other presidential collections online, including George WashingtonThomas JeffersonJames Madison and Abraham Lincoln.

The Harrison papers contain approximately 1,000 items dating from 1734 to 1939, with the bulk dated from 1812 to 1841. Harrison (1773-1841), an army officer, representative and senator from Ohio, served as the ninth president of the United States.  His collection includes a letterbook, 1812-1813, correspondence and military papers stemming mostly from his military and political career in the Northwest Territory, his service in Indian wars and the War of 1812, his time as territorial governor of Indiana Territory (1800-1812), and his role as Whig Party candidate in the unsuccessful 1836 presidential bid and the successful 1840 election. The latter led to his abbreviated presidential term, cut short by his death one month after his inauguration.

Cover image from the New York Journal, October 24th, 1897
Cover image from the New York Journal, October 24th, 1897

New in Newspapers

Many users know of our Chronicling America site that features historic American newspapers from 1836-1922. The Library is also busy digitizing additional newspapers of historic significance – newly added is the New York Journal (and related titles) Collection, covering William Randolph Hearst’s papers from 1896-1899. The New York Journal is an example of “Yellow Journalism,” where the newspapers competed for readers through bold headlines, illustrations and activist journalism.  The paper infamously reported on and influenced events like the Spanish-American War. The Sunday editions contained additional supplements: American Women’s Home Journal, American Magazine and the American Humorist, which included the “Yellow Kid” comic strip. These supplements featured colorful layouts and covered sporting events, pseudoscience and popular culture, such as the bicycle craze of 1896.

We’ve also added 152 issues of the New York Herald – these newspapers don’t have their own collection presentation, but you can access them in our search.

Exhibition Update

The extensive online exhibit The Mexican Revolution and the United States in the Collections of the Library of Congress is now available in a Spanish language version. The exhibit tells the dynamic story of the complex and turbulent relationship between Mexico and the United States during the Mexican Revolution, approximately 1910-1920.


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