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Pic of the Week: Dr. Carla Hayden Testifies Before Congress

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It’s International Women’s Day, so we’re recognizing the celebration with this image of Carla Hayden, the first female Librarian of Congress, testifying before the U.S. Senate Committee on Rules and Administration earlier this week. Dr. Hayden was testifying as part of annual oversight hearings. The Library, she noted, received 1.9 million on-site visitors and more than 114 million visits to the Library’s websites.

Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden testifies before the Senate Rules Committee, March 6, 2019. Photo by Shawn Miller.

Comments (3)

  1. Libraries are absolutely critical in these times, and represent the best qualities and aspirations of democracy and civil society in the U.S.

    Congratulations to Dr. Hayden and a call for all to support free and open dissemination of information and access to research tools, as the life-blood of a functioning and healthy society.

  2. When I had the opportunity of being invited to watch the induction into office of Dr. Carla Hayden, my immediate remark was that her appointees were very very right. The advocacy of Carla for the The Library of Congress and libraries in general testify to this. A picture of Carla with, I suppose, the first Bible available to Congress speaks volumes of what she has install for the whole world of librarians. Thumbs up for the distinguished librarian.

  3. Es una digna representante de las mujeres en el planeta, siempre al servicio del mundo lector, felicidades.

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