(The following is an article from the September-October 2012 issue of the Library’s new magazine, LCM, discussing how the Library acquires its collections.) By Audrey Fischer Beginning with a purchase of 740 books by Congress in 1800, the Library of Congress collection has grown to nearly 152 million items. But purchase is just one acquisition …
(The following is an article from the September-October 2012 issue of the Library’s new magazine, LCM, highlighting 100 years of Copyright law.) By Wendi A. Maloney A hundred years ago, a new category of work became subject to copyright protection: motion pictures. The Townsend Amendment to the U.S. copyright law took effect Aug. 24, 1912, …
There were ample headlines about the Library of Congress in August that really gave a flavor of the institution’s collections, people and mission. Leading the way was a great feature in Delta’s Sky Magazine on the Library’s use of technology to preserve the nation’s past and future. At a time when so many libraries are …
The Library of Congress blogosphere in August was full of great posts from our many expert curators and staff. Here is just a sampling: In the Muse: Performing Arts Blog The Musical Worlds of Victor Hebert On Aug. 16, the Library opened a new exhibition on composer Victor Herbert. The Signal: Digital Preservation Digital Preservation …
Here’s a roundup of what’s been going on in the Library of Congress blogosphere in June. In the Muse: Performing Arts Blog “How to Find Your Snooky Ookums: A Guide to the Irving Berlin Collection” Pat Padua presents a guide to the Irving Berlin Collection. The Signal: Digital Preservation “Every Format on the Face of …