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Category: Copyright

Image of an ornate clock showing 2:05 with sculpted male figures sitting on each side of the clock face

First Word: The 14th Librarian of Congress

Posted by: Erin Allen

(The following is a feature in the September/October 2016 issue of the Library of Congress Magazine, LCM.) Carla Hayden discusses her decision to become a librarian and her plans as the new Librarian of Congress. You are about to be sworn in as the 14th Librarian of Congress. How does that feel? It’s such an honor …

Image of an ornate clock showing 2:05 with sculpted male figures sitting on each side of the clock face

Here’s to a Couple of Ruff Characters

Posted by: Jennifer Gavin

Four hundred years ago this weekend, two of the greatest geniuses in wordcraft this world has ever seen both died: William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes. Shakespeare’s plays still dazzle, written though they are in Elizabethan English and iambic pentameter; their story lines are still fresh enough to inspire endless straight-play performance worldwide, Broadway musicals …