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Image of an ornate clock showing 2:05 with sculpted male figures sitting on each side of the clock face

Packard Campus Extends Library's A/V Reach

Posted by: Matt Raymond

Have you ever thought about what it might be like to try to walk through all of the shelves at the Library of Congress? Maybe not, but we LOC people love to mull over the sheer magnitude of this place. You might have seen statistics here or there that have referred to somewhere in the …

Image of an ornate clock showing 2:05 with sculpted male figures sitting on each side of the clock face

Doing In Dewey?

Posted by: Matt Raymond

A mini-debate is breaking out among library-philes in the wake of a Wall Street Journal story about an Arizona library that has ditched the Dewey Decimal System for much broader subject headings, catering to a client謥 who are apparently more browsers than researchers. An earlier article claims it to be the first library to break …

Image of an ornate clock showing 2:05 with sculpted male figures sitting on each side of the clock face

The Library of Congress and Copyright Royalty Judges

Posted by: Matt Raymond

There has been substantial public interest in a recent decision by a federal court not to forestall a ruling by the Copyright Royalty Judges that increases royalties paid by Internet radio stations, effective this coming Sunday, July 15. (By the way, I?m told ?Copyright Royalty Judges? and is their preferred name, not the ?Copyright Royalty …

Image of an ornate clock showing 2:05 with sculpted male figures sitting on each side of the clock face

Media Habits of the Librarian of Congress

Posted by: Matt Raymond

Bill Powers of National Journal has debuted a neat, recurring feature about how ?leading figures in government, politics, and other spheres? get their information from the media. He chose Dr. Billington, the Librarian of Congress, as its first subject because he ?runs America?s first great information outlet.? From the article: I think daily newspapers are …

Image of an ornate clock showing 2:05 with sculpted male figures sitting on each side of the clock face

The Rule of Law within Different Cultures and Religions

Posted by: Matt Raymond

(Matt’s note: The Law Library of Congress is using this space to do a couple of ‘guest posts,’ written by Andrew Weber. The following are his words.) In the three years that I have been working at the Law Library of Congress, I have learned that its mission is ‘to provide research and legal information …

Image of an ornate clock showing 2:05 with sculpted male figures sitting on each side of the clock face

World Intellectual Property Day

Posted by: Matt Raymond

(Matt’s note: The Law Library of Congress is using this space to do a couple of ‘guest posts,’ written by Andrew Weber. The following are his words.) I was discussing with Dr. Bryan Bachner the other day about the presentation he gave on World Intellectual Property Day at a conference held by the Institute for …

Image of an ornate clock showing 2:05 with sculpted male figures sitting on each side of the clock face

Navigating the Information Thicket

Posted by: Matt Raymond

Library Journal covered the third and final public meeting of the LOC-led Working Group on the Future of Bibliographic Control. The group?s charge is to: * Present findings on how bibliographic control and other descriptive practices can effectively support management of and access to library materials in the evolving information and technology environment * Recommend …

Image of an ornate clock showing 2:05 with sculpted male figures sitting on each side of the clock face

Library in the News Blogs, 6/28/07

Posted by: Matt Raymond

Gadling, the major travel blog, yesterday linked to the June edition of LOC?s ?nifty? Wise Guide, in part because of its focus on summer vacations. Here?s a little bit about what the blog thinks of the Wise Guide: The website is spirited and fun in design ? who knew a .gov could be so engaging? …