Leading the news headlines in July was the conveyance of the $1 million John W. Kluge Prize for the lifetime achievement in the study of humanity to Fernando Henrique Cardoso, former president of Brazil. He was honored in an awards ceremony for his study of the social structures of Brazilian government, economy and race relations …
Tonight the 2012 Olympics in London kick off. The excitement has certainly been building all year as enthusiasts have followed the torch relay and participating athletes and teams. I can admit that the games probably appeal to me for a few other different reasons than purely anticipating all the awesome competition. First, my favorite band, …
June marked a pretty busy time here at the Library of Congress with some big-ticket announcements. From naming a new Poet Laureate and pivotal books in America’s history to recent collection acquisitions, the institution was making regular headlines. In announcing Mississippi native and Pulitzer Prize-winning Natasha Trethewey as Poet Laureate, Librarian of Congress James H. …
In the wee hours of the morning on April 15, 1912, the RMS Titanic – the largest passenger steamship in the world at the time – sank into the depths of the Atlantic Ocean after hitting an iceberg only a few hours earlier. More than 1,500 people died. This year marks the centennial of one …
I have a pack of Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies in my freezer. I treat myself to one or two occasionally, although it’s hard limiting myself since you really can’t eat just a couple. I can’t buy Samoas anymore because I won’t stop until I eat the whole box. While we may be enjoying the …
Comics and cartoons are well-loved because they’re funny. Most of us think of them as a break in the monotony of a working day, a light moment, a chuckle over our morning coffee. But for some, mirth is money. Those people tend to take their comics more seriously. Take, for example, the reaction to “The …
What exactly is a “shirtwaist?” The American shirtwaist was a fashion trend for women at the turn of the 20th century, noted for the pairing of tailored shirt and skirt – offering a glimpse of the ankles – and was very fashion-forward during its day. “Shirt-waist sets are among the attractive dress accessories to tempt …
The following is a guest post by Megan Halsband, a reference librarian in the Serials and Government Publications Division: One of the things you might notice today when you visit Chronicling America is a new feature in the left column linking to a sneak peek at our upcoming redesign, available now for “beta test.” If …
There’s something about strapping on a pair of roller skates and the exhilaration of speeding across the floor, taking fast turns, testing your agility as you maneuver against and in tandem with those like-minded. The sport is very near and dear to my heart, as I recently joined the ranks of the DC Rollergirls, the …