Dec. 23 always seems like such a rush–literally. Rushing to the store for that last-minute gift. Rushing to the airport to catch your flight to grandma’s. Rushing to clean the house, pick up groceries and prepare the components of your family’s turkey (or ham or tofurkey) dinner. In that spirit, before everyone rushes off, I …
The is the first in what will probably be a long series of guest posts from Abigail and Josh Van Gelder, who will be traveling the country with our Gateway to Knowledge exhibition-on-wheels. This one comes from Abigail: It finally came time to pack up our suitcases and move into our traveling home; we’ve grown …
Top o’ the Morning to you! Even though I’m only one-quarter Irish, millions of folks, even those without a drop of Irish blood, are celebrating the wearing o’ the green today. Our Prints and Photographs Division decided to mark the day by putting out a call to picture-lovers to post “now” images of locations in …