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Archive: March 2022 (3 Posts)

Handwritten copy (with deletions crossed out and additions added) of the first few sentence of Jefferson

An Irishman, a U.S. President, and the First Hanging in the District of Columbia

Posted by: Josh Levy

The first man hanged in Washington, D.C., was an Irishman. His trial provides a unique lens on the early republic and its nascent national capital. The case drew national attention, particularly among Federalist newspaper editors, who used it to expose the threat of Irish immigrants and their hold over the sitting U.S. president, Thomas Jefferson.

Handwritten copy (with deletions crossed out and additions added) of the first few sentence of Jefferson

Artistic Trio: Georgia O’Keeffe and Alfred Stieglitz Letters to Henwar Rodakiewicz—A New By the People Crowdsourcing Transcription Campaign

Posted by: Josh Levy

A new crowdsourcing transcription campaign launched in celebration of Women’s History Month by the Library of Congress By the People program is now complete. It features letters written by acclaimed painter Georgia O’Keeffe and her husband, the photographer, fine arts impresario, and gallery manager Alfred Stieglitz to their mutual friend, filmmaker Henwar Rodakiewicz.