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Archive: 2023 (15 Posts)

Two men smiling in military uniform with forest in background

Behind the Scenes: Preserving the Edwin Swillinger Scrapbook

Posted by: Josh Levy

Manuscript collections often include scrapbooks, which tell unique stories but can be challenging to preserve. With Edwin Swillinger’s scrapbook, archivist Katherine Madison chose to disassemble it in order to provide the best care for the many photographs and other documents depicting Swillinger’s military service and life in post-World War II Japan.

Monochrome portrait of Evers in suit and tie

Intern Spotlight: The Legacy of Medgar Evers through the NAACP Records

Posted by: Josh Levy

Recently acquired primary sources within the NAACP Records reveal the devotion and courage of Mississippi field secretary Medgar Evers and his work to eliminate racial violence, desegregate higher education and services, and secure voting rights. His tragic murder led Evers’s wife, Myrlie Evers-Williams, to build a legacy of civil rights and social justice activism of her own.