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Archive: May 2024 (2 Posts)

Color headshots of three panelists

Censorship, the Comic Book, and Seduction of the Innocent at 70: A Roundtable Discussion

Posted by: Josh Levy

Join staff of the Manuscript and Serial & Government Publications divisions for a roundtable discussion with three comic studies scholars who will discuss psychiatrist Fredric Wertham’s anti-comics legacy and its afterlives in more recent clashes over representations of race and sexuality in comics and graphic novels.

Of Note: Eleanor Roosevelt, Alien Investigator

Posted by: Josh Levy

In summer 1947, a pilot named Kenneth Arnold spotted nine bright objects in the sky over Washington State flying, he said, “like a saucer would if you skipped it across the water.” Reporters shorthanded the description of these objects to “flying saucers.” Sightings proliferated, and Americans fell into breathless speculation. Three years later, an unlikely investigator was on the case: Eleanor Roosevelt.