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Color portrait of author at left standing in front of leafy background, book cover on right

Made at the Library: The Forgotten Sisters Who Transformed Early American Science with Catherine McNeur

Desert landscape with road at left, gray storm clouds above with blue sky. showing between them. In foreground two men in red shirts with donkeys and carts.

New “By the People” Crowdsourcing Transcription Campaign: A Journey Across Mexico in 1849: The Journals and Sketchbooks of Benajah Jay Antrim

Black and white photograph of Louise Leahy and Helen Griffin Swift drinking tea

Before the Admiral’s House Lost Its Furniture

Print shows a slightly elevated view of Wall Street and Federal Hall as it appeared circa 1791, with pedestrians on the sidewalk and in the street, and Trinity Church in the background.

George Washington and the Federal Workforce

Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inauguration: Scenes from March 4, 1865

Arizona’s Hassayampa River as it passes beneath a highway bridge, looking modern and not too mysterious. Clayton B. Fraser, Hassayampa Bridge at old U.S. Highway 80, Arlington, Arizona, circa 1993.

Of Note: Hassayampers Unite!

Man, left, and woman, right, standing. Woman seated at table, center. Framed photographs behind them. Seals on table. "Buy NAACP XMAS Seals" sign upright on table.

Memphis T. Garrison and the NAACP Christmas Seal Program

Two men in suits standing behind metal radiator on table

Intern Spotlight: Uncovering African American Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Manuscript Division

Hand written draft of a poem by Jane Johnston Schoolcraft.

New from the Manuscript Division: Two Recently Digitized Collections Offer Native American Content