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Category: Early America

Monochrome head and shoulders portrait of Philip Schuyler in mlitary uniform.

The Manuscript Division Transcribes Fifty-Six Letters from Philip Schuyler to Alexander and Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton

Posted by: Julie Miller

Fifty-six unpublished, mostly newly acquired letters from Philip Schuyler (1733-1804) to his daughter, Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, and her husband Alexander Hamilton, have been transcribed by Manuscript Division staff. The transcriptions are now available online, alongside images of the letters, as part of the Alexander Hamilton Papers on the Library of Congress website.

Handwritten copy (with deletions crossed out and additions added) of the first few sentence of Jefferson

The Artistry of Learning Math: The Ellerton-Clements Cyphering Book Collection

Posted by: Josh Levy

Before the modern textbook, Western school-age children learned mathematical concepts through what was called the "cyphering tradition" and created textbooks of their very own. The volumes in the recently processed Ellerton-Clements Cyphering Book Collection will certainly be of interest to those who study math and early modern education, but many also possess a unique kind of artistry.