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Category: Women’s & Gender History

Handwritten copy (with deletions crossed out and additions added) of the first few sentence of Jefferson

Artistic Trio: Georgia O’Keeffe and Alfred Stieglitz Letters to Henwar Rodakiewicz—A New By the People Crowdsourcing Transcription Campaign

Posted by: Josh Levy

A new crowdsourcing transcription campaign launched in celebration of Women’s History Month by the Library of Congress By the People program is now complete. It features letters written by acclaimed painter Georgia O’Keeffe and her husband, the photographer, fine arts impresario, and gallery manager Alfred Stieglitz to their mutual friend, filmmaker Henwar Rodakiewicz.

Handwritten copy (with deletions crossed out and additions added) of the first few sentence of Jefferson

Race, Gender, and More in the AFL Records

Posted by: Ryan Reft

"Comprised of more than 172,000 items, the AFL collection is a potential treasure trove, yet the work has only just begun. The field of labor history has much to gain by continuing to analyze these records through an intersectional lens," writes Mills Pennebaker, a fall 2021 Archives, History, and Heritage Advanced intern, who discusses her experience researching issues of race, gender, regionalism, and class in the recently digitized American Federation of Labor Records.

Handwritten copy (with deletions crossed out and additions added) of the first few sentence of Jefferson

New Collections and Highlights from 2021

Posted by: Ryan Reft

As the year draws to a close, it seems like a good time to look back and highlight some of the political, social, cultural, military, and scientific manuscript collections and resource guides that the Manuscript Division has recently made available for researchers to explore. We’re already hard at work acquiring, arranging, and describing the historical …

Handwritten copy (with deletions crossed out and additions added) of the first few sentence of Jefferson

200 Years of Clara Barton Birthdays

Posted by: Elizabeth Novara

On the 200th anniversary of Clara Barton’s birth on Christmas Day 1821, a look at Barton’s birthday diary entries and her published holiday greetings reveals the complexities of this well-known figure. Volunteer to transcribe and review newly added materials from the Clara Barton Papers on the Library of Congress’s By the People crowdsourced transcription website during Barton’s birthday month. 

Handwritten copy (with deletions crossed out and additions added) of the first few sentence of Jefferson

Intern Spotlight: Debutante Daughters: Celebrating Black Life at Cotillion

Posted by: Ryan Reft

Lanai Huddleston, Archives History and Heritage Advanced Internship intern in the Manuscript Division, winter 2021, discusses the history of sororities and debutante balls in the African American community found in the Dupree African American Pentecostal Collection and materials in it derived from the Alpha Kappa Alpha, Alpha Theta Omega Chapter of Raleigh, North Carolina, a sorority that includes Kamala Harris, Maya Angelou, Rosa Parks, and many other outstanding Black women.