This blog post explores the life of notable Texas history figure, Samuel Houston, and the foundation of the city of Houston. It uses maps from our collection to showcase how Texas appeared at different points during Sam Houston's life. It also features some early maps of Houston as the city developed.
Today on Halloween children often dress up as witches and wizards with brimmed hats and broom sticks. Many find joy in the celebration of all things spooky by donning a costume and an alternate identity for a single night. Of course 300 plus years ago this innocuous enough tradition was non-existent. No, in fact, quite …
Many of us have heard the tale of Mrs. O’Leary’s infamous cow as the driver of one of Chicago’s greatest disasters. Whether or not the beast did in fact start the blaze may never be known, but the fact remains that the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 decimated the city over a three day period …