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Category: Biography

Occasional Papers

New Paper on Philip Lee Phillips, the “King of Maps” for the Library of Congress

Posted by: Ryan Moore

The Philip Lee Phillips Map Society of the Library of Congress is pleased to announce its latest installment of The Occasional Papers: “The King of Maps: Philip Lee Phillips’ First Acquisitions Trips in the Deep South 1903 and Europe 1905.” The paper’s author, Cheryl Fox, is a Specialist in the Library’s Manuscript Division. Ms. Fox …

Brown, red, and yellow tinted map illustration of the continents of Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia, with a circular frame around them

Cartography through Exploration: Lady Anne Blunt in Northern Arabia

Posted by: Tim St. Onge

In honor of Women’s History Month this March, Worlds Revealed is featuring weekly posts about the history of women in geography and cartography. You can click on the “Women’s History Month” category see all related posts. Many of the greatest maps in cartographic history have been borne out of expeditions and adventures into regions not …

Brown, red, and yellow tinted map illustration of the continents of Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia, with a circular frame around them

Emma Hart Willard: Pioneering Geography Educator

Posted by: Carlyn Osborn

In honor of Women’s History Month this March, Worlds Revealed is featuring weekly posts about the history of women in geography and cartography. You can click on the “Women’s History Month” category see all related posts.   In 1800, Americans spent, on average, merely four months and two days in school over the course of …

Brown, red, and yellow tinted map illustration of the continents of Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia, with a circular frame around them

Putting Women Back on the Map

Posted by: Carlyn Osborn

In honor of Women’s History Month this March, Worlds Revealed is featuring weekly posts about the history of women in geography and cartography. Today, we’ll give a brief overview of what’s to come. You can click on the “Women’s History Month” category see all related posts. Women cartographers envisaged, engraved, drew, and printed every kind …

Brown, red, and yellow tinted map illustration of the continents of Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia, with a circular frame around them

Computing Space IV: William Bunge and The Philosophy of Maps

Posted by: John Hessler

Today’s post is the fourth of a series called,”Computing Space,” which highlights the lives and work of many of the mostly unknown cartographers, geographers, mathematicians, computer scientists, designers and architects who had a hand in the birth of today’s computer cartography, along with some of forgotten publications from the early years of GIS. In the …