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Category: Guest Posts

The Hungarian Parliamentary Building sits on the banks of the Danube. The GeoTIFF locates the building about 150 meters to the northeast of its true location.

The Secret Life of GeoTIFFs

Posted by: Carissa Pastuch

This is a guest post by Rachel Trent, Digital Collections and Automation Coordinator in the Geography and Map Division. The image below is of a TIFF file, but not just any TIFF. Hidden inside are coordinates that bind the image to a specific place on Earth. For every pixel in the image, an estimated latitude …

3-D map made of Siberian driftwood and sealskin showing the various islands and inlets of the Crown Prince Islands.

Mapping Disko Bay

Posted by: Carissa Pastuch

This is a guest post by Diane Schug-O’Neill, Digital Conversion Coordinator, in the Geography and Map Division. In 1925, Silas Sandgreen was commissioned by the Library of Congress to create a map of Disko Bugt (also seen as Disko Bay), Greenland. Disko Bay is a large bay located on the western coast of Greenland, along …