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Sheet Music of the Week: Flag Day Edition

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"The American Flag", music by L.S.D. Rees and words by J.B. Dickson, 1862. Music Division, Library of Congress

It’s Flag Day! On this day in 1777, the design of the US flag was officially approved by Congress. We have been taking a little time every June 14th to celebrate the flag since 1916 when President Woodrow Wilson established this day as a national day of recognition – you can read more about Flag Day on the Library’s Today in History page. Our online collection of sheet music features many songs about and inspired by Old Glory that include cover art often as interesting and informative as the music itself (the cover of “The American Flag” to the right is my personal favorite). If you have any interest in the flag and its history, I urge you to peruse our digitized sheet music relating to the flag on the Performing Arts Encyclopedia (get a taste of what we have by searching “flag sheet music” in the search bar on the website). Much of our sheet music relating to the US flag comes from our collection of Civil War sheet music – check out our updated American Civil War Music & Resources presentation to learn more about what the Music Division holds.

Comments (2)

  1. please i want to listen the raining dance on its original version from the siux or apache native americans , because on you tube only are only music that is not original from the natives american , is very imortant to me, when i was a boy i saw too much the great chaparral with blue and manolito montoya, i want to make a exeriment with those beautiful music , like the the music from the budist or dalai lama, its make me another kind of person since i listen a siux ancient, that said that the first world war became from the cristhopher columbus voyage in america, then i live in a desert i i want to be sure that is possible to make rain from the takionic energy that flows ,,,,,,can you help me please,, is a very important to the americans to know its own culture ,,thank you..

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