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Nibelungen March 1st Violin
First violin part from J.C. Mullaly’s take on the Ring. Published in 1880 by Thompson & Odell, held at the Library of Congress. The march modifications of Wagner’s ideas will reward those who take a closer look.

There comes a time in every anniversary year when the candles must be blown out—this year it is a necessity, as 200 candles each for Richard Wagner and Giuseppe Verdi constitute a fire hazard, and the Library does not want to host its own “immolation” scene. But Wotan to your seats—Concerts from the Library of Congress will present one final day of anniversary programming. Capitol-Hillde will be the site of our daytime Wagnerdämmerung events on Saturday, November 23, 2013 (see listings below). They will include a classic documentary about the centennial production of Der Ring des Nibelungen