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Introducing the Music Division’s Summer 2019 Junior Fellows

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Each summer, several interns arrive at the Music Division to complete a variety of projects with our collections. This year, we’re introducing them as they arrive, and will share stories of what they discover throughout their time at the Library.

This week, we’re introducing our two Junior Fellows, Chloe Hovind and Hannah Reynolds.

Library Science graduate student Chloe Hovind is working with Music Specialist Paul Allen Sommerfeld on film and television music materials from the Walt Disney Company.

Chloe Hovind working with Disney materials.

Tell us a little about yourself. What is your background?

I am from the beautiful Pacific NW, in Bellingham, WA. I both grew up there and went to Western Washington University where I received my Bachelor’s degree in Music History. I love the Northwest – all of the mountains, camping, lakes and rivers – it is such a beautiful part of the country and I hope to return there after finishing my Masters of Library Science at Indiana University.



What project will you be working on?

I am working on the Disney Film Music project. The Library of Congress has a vast collection of copyright-deposited Disney scores that are, for the most part, uncatalogued and therefore rather unattainable for researchers. My project involves assessing the extent of the collection through search and inventory, beginning to catalog and process the items, and synthesizing the collection in order to produce a guide that helps user discovery.

What are you most excited about in the Junior Fellows program, and what made you want to apply?

When I was searching for music/fine arts library internships for this summer, I knew I wanted to reach out and really go for something unique – which at the time meant a variety of things (a new location, a library different from what I’m used to, etc.). I discovered the Junior Fellows program in my searching, and once I saw the Disney music project listed as a possibility, I knew immediately that I had to apply. And I’m still so amazed and grateful to be accepted! I am very excited to learn not only how the nation’s library functions, but how to interact with rare and unique materials and get to know the other music librarians here at LOC.

What are your interests, and what kind of music do you like to listen to?

I like to listen to a wide range of music. On one hand, I’m a recorder player, so I love listening to music from the Medieval and Renaissance time periods. On the other hand, I love the fun and drama of show music (both theater and film, hence my excitement for working on Disney music!). On cozy days I love to read, do puzzles, and watch movies, and when the sun is out I like to hike mountains, lie in the sun, and explore new places.

Recent graduate Hannah Reynolds is working with Dance Archivist Libby Smigel on special collections related to the Martha Graham modern dance legacy. Now in her second week of the Junior Fellowship, Hannah sat down with Libby to talk about her interests and aspirations.

Hannah Reynolds working with the Benjamin Garber Papers

What attracted you to apply for the Junior Fellow Summer Intern Program, and specifically for the Martha Graham Legacy Dance Archives Project?

The opportunity to work at the Library of Congress to organize and safeguard priceless materials was enticing. My first project choice was the Martha Graham Legacy Dance Archive Project because it incorporated my passions into one. Growing up, I danced for 10 years at a studio in Maryland and was constantly learning about dance and musical theater history from my training. My mother also instilled in me her love for attending live music and theater performances at a very young age. I really do not remember a time when I have not loved the performing arts. During my time at Ohio University as an undergraduate majoring in art history, I was looking for a student job that would use my major but also give me some internship-like experience. I realized there might be a volunteer opportunity in my university’s archives and went in to offer my time. Before I knew it, I had a job in the archives and my supervisor Bill Kimok, University Archivist and Records Manager, was giving me collection processing work. I held the job for two years during my time at OU and really got a taste for wanting to pursue a career in archiving. When looking at all the different projects available for Junior Fellow applicants, the Martha Graham Legacy Dance Archives Project grabbed my attention right away. With my dance background and previous knowledge of the company and my recent experience in archival processing at OU, it just seemed like a good fit.

You have just graduated from Ohio University. How has the transition been from attending college to working at the Library?

While it has definitely been an adjustment, I think I’m adapting well. Being able to learn new skills and build on the skill I have already attained is great and has confirmed my aspiration to be in the archival profession.

Currently, you are processing the Benjamin Garber Papers. Can you give a hint on what is to come from the papers?

Many dancers and scholars aren’t aware of the close relationship between Garber and Graham, and this collection will highlight the influence they both had on each other’s lives. The collection also dives into his work as an interior designer with his lifelong partner William Kennedy under the firm William C. Kennedy Associates and his fine arts background.

What are some goals you have for the future?

I hope to continue my education, and get an MLIS with a concentration in archives. A lifelong goal of mine is to always be involved in the surrounding art communities.

Next week, we’ll be introducing the other half of our summer interns, so stay tuned!

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