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Category: Birthdays

Woman with dark hair, fancy dress and pearls with eyes closed and mouth slightly open, singing

There’s A Composer Born Every Minute

Posted by: Pat Padua

The phrase “there’s a sucker born every minute” is commonly attributed to famed showman Phineas Taylor Barnum. The quote’s provenance is disputed, its sentiment cynical, but as adaptable headline fodder it is unsurpassed. If the reader so desires, the remainer of this paragraph may be read out loud in the booming voice of a carnival …

Woman with dark hair, fancy dress and pearls with eyes closed and mouth slightly open, singing

Robert Cole

Posted by: Pat Padua

This post is abridged from a biography written by James Wolf, Digital Conversion Specialist, Music Division, for African-American Band Music & Recordings, 1883-1923 in the Performing Arts Encyclopedia. Read the entire article here. Robert Allen Cole was born on July 1, 1868, in Athens, Georgia, the son of former slaves. Like Will Marion Cook and James …

Woman with dark hair, fancy dress and pearls with eyes closed and mouth slightly open, singing

The Hills Are Alive with the Sound of Richard Rodgers

Posted by: Pat Padua

Richard Rodgers, one of  the great composers of the American Musical Theater, was born on this day in 1902. With Lorenz Hart (lyricist for “Manhattan” and  Pal Joey) and Oscar Hammerstein (lyricist for South Pacific, Oklahoma, and The Sound of Music) Rodgers’ music has been part of the musical and cinematic collective consciousness for nearly …

Woman with dark hair, fancy dress and pearls with eyes closed and mouth slightly open, singing

It’s Their Birthday Too, Yeah!

Posted by: Pat Padua

The Library of  Congress Chorale, which draws staff members from all over the library, recently celebrated the birthdays of sundry composers with a lunchtime concert in the Coolidge Auditorium. This was the last concert for their conductor John Saint Amour, who has admirably served his two-year term and awaits a capable successor to arise from …

Woman with dark hair, fancy dress and pearls with eyes closed and mouth slightly open, singing

Happy Birthday Les Paul

Posted by: Pat Padua

Guitarist and inventor Les Paul was born on this day in 1915.  Paul helped develop the Gibson Les Paul solid-body electric guitar, an instrument so iconic that the foreword to Les Paul’s memoir was written by none other than Paul McCartney.  Les Paul died last year, but his handiwork continues to be heard from the …

Woman with dark hair, fancy dress and pearls with eyes closed and mouth slightly open, singing

¡Feliz Cumpleaños Paquito D’Rivera!

Posted by: Pat Padua

June 4th was the birthday of Cuban-born composer and reed player Paquito D’Rivera.  His clarinet and saxophone work has graced a diverse range of ensembles, from the incendiary Cuban-jazz group Irakere to the National Symphony Orchestra. A performance of “Merengue” by cellist Yo-Yo Ma won D’Rivera a Grammy Award for Best Instrumental in 2004. Other …

Woman with dark hair, fancy dress and pearls with eyes closed and mouth slightly open, singing

Of Crooners and Princes: May Birthdays

Posted by: Pat Padua

Last week we celebrated birthdays of a diverse array of musical luminaries. Pianist Wladziu Valentino was briefly known as  Walter Busterkeys before using the name by which we all know him: Liberace was born May 16, 1919. Read about him in the Nevada section of the Local Legacies project in The American Folklife Center. Alexander Warrack’s Scots Dictionary …

Woman with dark hair, fancy dress and pearls with eyes closed and mouth slightly open, singing

Great Conversations in Music

Posted by: Pat Padua

This week marks the birthday of two of the participants in Great Conversations in Music, a series of interviews hosted by Eugene Istomin (1925-2003). Video clips from the entire series can be viewed on the Performing Arts Encyclopedia, and are organized by The Pianists,  The Composers,  Chamber Music,  The Virtuosos, and The Conductors. One of those conductors …

Woman with dark hair, fancy dress and pearls with eyes closed and mouth slightly open, singing

Happy Birthday Sir Duke

Posted by: Pat Padua

Otto. Cutey. Stinkpot. Wucker. Dumplin’. Maestro. Big Red. Head Knocker. Puddin’. These are some of the many nicknames given the man born Edward Kennedy, whom we all know as “Duke” Ellington. Born April 29, 1899 in Washington, D.C., Ellington was one of the great jazz bandleaders, pianists, and composers. The Music Division is home to …