Taylor McClaskie is one of the Music Division’s summer 2019 interns. She is a Ph.D. candidate in musicology at Case Western Reserve University and is currently writing a dissertation on music and environmental activism in 1980s America. During my time in the Music Division I have been helping to process and catalogue unpublished popular music …
Takes an inside look at Disney scores in the Music Division of the Library of Congress to share the fascinating story of unused songs from the 1950 animated film Cinderella.
The Music Division of the Library of Congress will be presenting a series of events exploring video game music, from retro bits to VR hits. We will be looking at the history of game music, and learning about how it works from acclaimed musicians who are actively composing for some of the biggest franchises and …
Multiple news articles have heralded the many works and publications that entered the public domain on January 1st of 2019. Pieces of music, novels, and films alike have become available within the United States without copyright permissions. With the changes in copyright status, I wondered exactly how much of the Music Division’s substantial collection of …