This is the final installment in a 4-part series about archived performing arts web content in the Library's Coronavirus Web Archive. This final post focuses on web archives that correspond to archival documents in the Music Division's Performing Arts COVID-19 Response Collection.
Part 3 of this Coronavirus Web Archive blog series features performance directories, calendars, and listings. Part 2 focused on medical and public health initiatives specific to the performing arts. Part 1 walked readers through Coronavirus Web Archive items within the theme of financial relief efforts in the performing arts.
In Part 1 of this series, I walked readers through Coronavirus Web Archive items within the theme of financial relief efforts in the performing arts. This second post focuses on medical and public health initiatives specific to the performing arts in the Coronavirus Web Archive.
The Coronavirus Web Archive official landing page and press release came out on #WebArchiveWednesday, February 2, 2022. My first post in this series provides an overview of one of the major thematic areas within the Coronavirus Web Archive: financial relief efforts in the performing arts. Performing arts content is a significant part of the Coronavirus Web Archive numbering over 180 items.