The Music Division’s latest web archive collection, the Professional Organizations for Performing Arts Web Archive, is ready for you to explore in our digital collections! This collection contains websites and select social media to document professional networks in the performing arts over time. The collection items are those of professional, labor, and advocacy organizations at regional, national, and international levels.
National Dance Week 2021 is upon us! Let’s take a guided tour from the safety of our homes through a recently published research guide, Dance Research at the Library of Congress. Pay close attention to all of the digital resources available online! My personal favorite in the online exhibitions list is Politics and the Dancing Body. A favorite digital collection is a bit harder for me to pin down. It’s a pretty tight contest between Ballets Russes de Serge Diaghilev and WPA Posters.
National Dance Week 2021 begins April 19th. Today's post gives an early launch to National Dance Week by featuring dance, dancers, and choreographers within archived websites at the Library of Congress!