It’s that time of the year when many Americans gather with their families to cut the turkey, gobble up pumpkin pie, and feel grateful for one another. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, let’s look at heartwarming photos our favorite artistic families from the Music Division’s Digital Collections: Sylvia Fine and Danny Kaye Sylvia Fine …
We have several serious baseball fans here in the Music Division. At least several members of our team root for the current hometown Washington Nationals (“N-A-T-S, Nats, Nats, Nats, woo!”), the neighboring Baltimore Orioles (“Let’s Go, O’s!”), and the handful of New England transplants are ardent Boston Red Sox fans. With all this baseball energy …
Nicholas A. Brown-Cáceres, Stacey Jocoy, and Susan Clermont of the Music Division contributed to this blog. Senior Music Reference Specialist Susan Clermont recently published an authoritative annotated bibliography and accompanying research guide focused on the Music Division’s 306 anthologies of music dating from 1463 – 1701. These anthologies comprise over 12,000 individual works by over …
The Library of Congress Music Division announces the newly updated online resource, Franz Liszt at the Library of Congress, and includes a few examples drawn from the online collection.
In Part 1 of this series, I walked readers through Coronavirus Web Archive items within the theme of financial relief efforts in the performing arts. This second post focuses on medical and public health initiatives specific to the performing arts in the Coronavirus Web Archive.
The Coronavirus Web Archive official landing page and press release came out on #WebArchiveWednesday, February 2, 2022. My first post in this series provides an overview of one of the major thematic areas within the Coronavirus Web Archive: financial relief efforts in the performing arts. Performing arts content is a significant part of the Coronavirus Web Archive numbering over 180 items.
The Music Division’s latest web archive collection, the Professional Organizations for Performing Arts Web Archive, is ready for you to explore in our digital collections! This collection contains websites and select social media to document professional networks in the performing arts over time. The collection items are those of professional, labor, and advocacy organizations at regional, national, and international levels.
National Dance Week 2021 is upon us! Let’s take a guided tour from the safety of our homes through a recently published research guide, Dance Research at the Library of Congress. Pay close attention to all of the digital resources available online! My personal favorite in the online exhibitions list is Politics and the Dancing Body. A favorite digital collection is a bit harder for me to pin down. It’s a pretty tight contest between Ballets Russes de Serge Diaghilev and WPA Posters.
National Dance Week 2021 begins April 19th. Today's post gives an early launch to National Dance Week by featuring dance, dancers, and choreographers within archived websites at the Library of Congress!