We are excited to announce that we will again host a festival Twitter Pre-Party ahead of the annual Library of Congress National Book Festival! This year’s festival will take place Saturday, Sept. 2, 2017 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center from 9 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., with doors opening at 8:30 a.m.
For the last two years, thousands have joined us online to share festival memories and excitement leading up to the nation’s celebration of books and reading, and we are officially inviting you to attend our virtual party again.
The festival Twitter Pre-Party will take place Thursday, Aug. 31, from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. ET. Follow @LibraryCongress and use the hashtag #NatBookFest to join the fun along with authors, sponsors and other festivalgoers.
We hope to see you at the Twitter Pre-Party on Aug. 31 and at the National Book Festival on Sept. 2.
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Trying to get on
Hello Allita, follow @LibraryCongress on Twitter and use the hashtag #NatBookFest to join in. https://twitter.com/librarycongress
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