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Get Your 2021 National Book Festival Swag!

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Image of T-shirt, poster and five books available from the National Book Festival

It wouldn’t be a Library of Congress National Book Festival without Festival swag — and today we’re happy to make this year’s apparel, books and the 2021 poster available to you!

Festival T-Shirt and More

Open a book, open the world — and wear that sentiment proudly on the 2021 National Book Festival T-shirt, featuring a print of this year’s poster plus the list of all of our 2021 Festival authors! The shirt, Festival patch and more are available now from our Library Shop on Shopify.

Books by Festival Authors

Our friends at Politics & Prose in Washington, D.C. return this year as the official bookseller for the 2021 National Book Festival. You can find links to purchase featured books throughout the Festival website, or you can find all books for sale directly on the Politics & Prose website. Signed bookplates are available for some titles—check the Politics & Prose website for more details.

Festival Poster

While a high-resolution PDF of the poster is available for download from the National Book Festival Poster Gallery, we know many of you would love to own a printed version of this year’s beautiful poster by Dana Tanamachi. Hard to pick one up at a virtual festival, though! So we’ve made arrangements for you to get a poster shipped to you with a donation of $25 or more to support the National Book Festival from the Library of Congress donation page (select “National Book Festival”), the Library Shop site or the Politics & Prose website. And thanks for your support!

Join us for the 2021 National Book Festival, Sept. 17-26. Audiences are invited to create their own festival experience this year, with programs in a range of formats. Subscribe to this blog for future updates on the festival, and visit the festival website.

Comments (7)

  1. Thanks

  2. Hi, I am so sad that the event is no longer in person. What I would like to see with another year of the event being virtual is for the poster artist to sign the poster. I do not understand why that cannot happen.

    Thank you.

  3. Am new school librarian at Phalen Academies. Would love to share with my young students.

  4. In response to Tanya Henry’s comment, I surely hope it will be back in person eventually! Or is this the new permanent format? I remember many happy exciting days outside on the mall. Even though it was moved to the convention center, I would definitely come back. This virtual format is for the birds. Not the same event by any stretch of the imagination. So I hope the LOC does not decide to have it virtually permanently.

  5. The book fair was 5000% better on the mall. It was so easy to go in and out of the tents. And if it was crowded you could still see and hear the event by standing on the fringe. The convention center is too spread out, too micro managed, and impossible to see most of what one wants to see because the doors are closed when it is filled. it is too far to get to another popular session if the one you want has been closed off. The only way to see anything is to sign up to be a monitor, and even then you only have the opportunity for 2, possibly 3 sessions. I will never go back to the convention center.

  6. I 5000% agree with Judy.
    And, I hope the event can once again be in person on the mall. It was just the best, and there was a visceral connection that these other venues lack.

  7. I totally agree with Judy and Linda. I hope Book festival comes back to the National Mall which is a convenient place to go for everyone. I was a volunteer at the festival for several years. Hope I can start again next year.

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