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Archive: 2021 (54 Posts)

Dark-haired woman in a gray top, holding a stack of twelve books while she looks down at more books. Several people are behind her

Connect with Library Experts in Five Live Virtual Festival Presentations, Sept. 20-24

Posted by: Anne Holmes

During this year’s Festival, Library of Congress experts are opening our national library to you in five virtual live presentations! These interactive sessions, taking place Sept. 20-24 at 3 p.m. ET, give you the chance to learn more about the Library’s collections and services, and to connect directly with our experts in live Q&A. From genealogy to Spider-Man, we have something for everyone.

Dark-haired woman in a gray top, holding a stack of twelve books while she looks down at more books. Several people are behind her

Washington Post Live Features Talks with Michael J. Fox, Joy Harjo

Posted by: John Sayers

The Washington Post and the Library have just announced a collaboration to host two National Book Festival programs on Washington Post Live to kick off the festival on Sept. 17. The festival runs through Sept. 26. To mark the start of this year’s festival, audiences are invited to tune in to Washington Post Live for …

Dark-haired woman in a gray top, holding a stack of twelve books while she looks down at more books. Several people are behind her

LeVar Burton to Host 2021 National Book Festival Broadcast on PBS

Posted by: Brett Zongker

The television broadcast program “Open a Book, Open the World: The Library of Congress National Book Festival,” hosted by LeVar Burton, will premiere Sunday, Sept. 12 on PBS. Television viewers can see an inspiring introduction to the 2021 Library of Congress National Book Festival and its exciting lineup of authors, poets and writers in this one-hour special.