Happy Thanksgiving, music lovers! Here in the NLS Music Section, we're thankful that we were able to add so many talking books and braille music scores to BARD during the past month. Check out what's new and available to download!
With talking books from the NLS Music Section, you can celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month at any time of year! Check out the new music appreciation books and music lessons we have to offer!
Head back to school with new braille music and new educational materials from the NLS Music Section! We have many new books for learning to read braille music, a variety of band instruments, and the piano.
Explore all the new Johnny Cash braille music scores in our collection and learn about how the NLS Music Section acquired them from Canada's Centre for Equitable Library Access (CELA), thanks to the Marrakesh Treaty!
Have you ever wondered what music sounds like in Zimbabwe, Colombia, or Hawaii? Well, prepare your ears for a global journey of sonic discovery! This week the NLS Music Section is taking you around the world in sound. In today's blog post, we want to share some of the incredible musical voyages that await you in our collection of Music Appreciation talking books.
Greetings, music lovers! The NLS Music Section has worked hard to add a variety of talking books and braille music to BARD this month. Check out what we've added for your enjoyment and edification!
Learn about the artistic achievements and contributions of Victoria Kamhi de Rodrigo and the lifelong collaboration she cultivated with her husband, Spanish composer Joaquin Rodrigo.
Celebrate Women's History Month by learning about Ellen Taaffe Zwilich, the first woman to receive the Pulitzer Prize for music, and Mana-Zucca, composer, pianist, singer, and one of the most photographed women of the early 20th century.