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Category: Blues

Close-up of the fingers of two hands as the touch a paged filled with raised dots

Our Newest Books on (and off) BARD

Posted by: Katie Rodda

Since it’s back-to-school time, many folks find themselves looking for new projects, new topics of interest, and new hobbies. I sincerely hope that many of you reading this are hoping to learn how to play music or your favorite song, improving your already extant musical skill, or maybe teaching yourself about some topic in music …

Close-up of the fingers of two hands as the touch a paged filled with raised dots

Drink Small

Posted by: John Hanson

No, this post is not an injunction to moderation, or even a nudge towards abstemiousness of any kind. It is, rather, a toast to the achievements of Mr. Drink Small. The blues fans among you no doubt are familiar with the “Blues Doctor,” who has what some have called the “biggest, deepest bass voice in …