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Category: Electric guitar

Close-up of the fingers of two hands as the touch a paged filled with raised dots

New BARD Additions: March 2022

Posted by: Katie Rodda

Today’s blog post rounds up all the new digital acquisitions and digitized items added to BARD in March 2022 by the NLS Music Section.

Close-up of the fingers of two hands as the touch a paged filled with raised dots

New BARD Additions: December 2021

Posted by: Brian McCurdy

In this week's NLS Music Notes blog post, we bring you the latest offerings that have been added to BARD (Braille and Audio Reading Download). Please enjoy this musical feast, and Happy Holidays from the NLS Music Section!

Close-up of the fingers of two hands as the touch a paged filled with raised dots

Get Back! Beatles Materials in the NLS Collection

Posted by: Katie Rodda

This week's blog post talks about the recent documentary "Get Back," and provides books about learning Beatles music, and books about The Beatles.

Close-up of the fingers of two hands as the touch a paged filled with raised dots

Progressive Rock, Classical Influences

Posted by: Brian McCurdy

Progressive Rock drew its inspiration from a number of influences. For this week's NLS Music Notes Blog post, learn more about the classical music that inspired Rush, Jethro Tull, Pink Floyd, and many others!

Close-up of the fingers of two hands as the touch a paged filled with raised dots

American Music from A to Z in the NLS Music Collection: D–Delta Blues

Posted by: Katie Rodda

This blog is continuation of our "American Music from A to Z" series. In this post, we'll be taking a look at Delta Blues, and materials in the NLS Collection about the blues.

Close-up of the fingers of two hands as the touch a paged filled with raised dots

In Celebration of the Harlem Cultural Festival

Posted by: Katie Rodda

This blog posts celebrates the 1969 Harlem Cultural Festival and provides a list of materials available from the NLS Music Section and greater NLS Collection relating to the music and artists featured in the festival.

Close-up of the fingers of two hands as the touch a paged filled with raised dots

Hidden Gems of the NLS Collection: “Some South-Paw Pitching” by Charles Ives

Posted by: Brian McCurdy

Now that baseball season is well underway, the NLS Music Section invites you to learn more about "Some South-Paw Pitching" by Charles Ives.

Close-up of the fingers of two hands as the touch a paged filled with raised dots

Rock On! “Stairway to Heaven” Turns 50

Posted by: Katie Rodda

This blog post takes a look at "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin on the eve of its 50th birthday. Materials from the NLS Music Collection on rock music and guitars are featured.

Close-up of the fingers of two hands as the touch a paged filled with raised dots

Flashing Back on Jimi Hendrix

Posted by: Brian McCurdy

In this week's NLS Music Notes blog, learn about the incredible artistry of Jimi Hendrix--who challenged most preconceived notions of popular music in the 20th century to create a new space for music appreciation.