Hidden Gems of the NLS Collection: Toccata, Villancico y Fuga, Op. 18 by Alberto Ginastera
Posted by: Brian McCurdy
September 15 through October 15 is National Hispanic-Latino Heritage Month. It is a time when we celebrate the generations of Hispanic and Latino Americans that have contributed to our society in positive and meaningful ways. On our journey through the treasures of the NLS Music collection, we recently came across a wonderful work written for organ by Argentine composer Alberto Ginastera (1916-1983), the Toccata, Villancico y Fuga, Op. 18. While this work is performed by organists on a regular basis, the rest of us would benefit from learning more about both the composer and the composition.
Posted in: Bach, Braille, Braille and Audio Reading Download BARD, Braille Music, Braille Music Digitization, Classical Music, Flute, Free Braille Music Scores, Hispanic American History, Instrumental Music, Juilliard School, Music Composition, Music Education, Music History and Appreciation, Music Instruction, NLS Music Section, NLS Online Catalog, Orchestra, Piano, Piano Music, Talking Books, Uncategorized, Virtuosic Piano Music, Voyager Catalog