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Category: Leonard Bernstein

Close-up of the fingers of two hands as the touch a paged filled with raised dots

Remembering Ned Rorem

Posted by: Brian McCurdy

Ned Rorem, who passed away last month at the age of 99, left behind a wealth of music and literature. For this week's NLS Music Notes blog post, learn more about Rorem's life and creative works.

Close-up of the fingers of two hands as the touch a paged filled with raised dots

It’s National Library Week!

Posted by: Brian McCurdy

This week we are celebrating National Library Week! This year's Honorary Chair, Molly Shannon, honors the work of her favorite librarian--her mother. Read on to learn more about the history and importance of National Library Week.

Close-up of the fingers of two hands as the touch a paged filled with raised dots

American Music from A to Z in the NLS Music Collection: I—Charles Ives and the Concord Sonata

Posted by: Brian McCurdy

As we continue our A to Z journey through the NLS Music Collection, we take a closer examination of the Piano Sonata no. 2 "Concord, Mass., 1840-1860" by Charles Ives, otherwise known as the "Concord Sonata."