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Category: Library of Congress

Close-up of the fingers of two hands as the touch a paged filled with raised dots

New BARD Additions: December 2023

Posted by: Brian McCurdy

For our latest NLS Music Notes blog post, we are very excited to announce our most recent additions to BARD! Read on to find out what braille scores and audio books are now available for download.

This photo depicts a person accessing BARD mobile on a digital device. The screen of the device is visible with the BARD Mobile app open.

New BARD Additions: October 2023

Posted by: Katie Rodda

Today's blog post rounds up all the new digital acquisitions and digitized items added to BARD in October 2023 by the NLS Music Section.

Close-up of the fingers of two hands as the touch a paged filled with raised dots

Song Stories: Stevie Wonder’s “Happy Birthday”

Posted by: Brian McCurdy

For this week's NLS Music Notes blog post, we learn the story behind Stevie Wonder's song, "Happy Birthday."

Close-up of the fingers of two hands as the touch a paged filled with raised dots

Hidden Gems of the NLS Collection: Béla Bartók’s “Allegro Barbaro”

Posted by: Brian McCurdy

This week, learn more about how ancient dialects influenced the composition of one of Bela Bartok's most famous works, "Allegro Barbaro."