New BARD Additions: August 2021
Posted by: Brian McCurdy
This month, the NLS Music Section has added many new materials to BARD (Braille and Audio Reading Download), including songs by Adele, Johnny Cash, and Broadway's Robert Lopez! There are also new piano lessons from Bill Brown and new transcriptions of the Tradition of Excellence concert band method. Read on to learn more about our latest digital offerings!
Posted in: Art Songs, Audio, Band, Braille, Braille and Audio Reading Download BARD, Braille Music, Braille Music Digitization, Braille Technology, Broadway, Classical Music, Country Music, Film Music, Flute, Horn, Instrumental Music, Jazz, Johnny Cash, Marrakesh Treaty, Mexico, Music Education, Music History and Appreciation, Music Instruction, Musical instruments, New Acquisitions, NLS Music Section, Organ, Performing music, Piano, Piano Music, Popular Music, saxophone, Smithsonian Folkways, Uncategorized, Vocal music, Voyager Catalog