You know it’s coming, sooner or later this year must end. It has certainly been an interesting series of events, to say the least, and I will leave it there. Whatever your plans are for New Year’s Eve, the NLS Music Section wants everyone to be safe and take some time for reflection. And if …
Today has been a great day. Two young readers registered for our music services and checked out braille music books for the first time. We have a small number of young braille music patrons, so getting two new readers in one day is something to be excited about. One of the two new patrons was …
I heard these words a lot this past weekend. That’s because the NLS Music Section made its way to the NAfME (National Association for Music Education) conference in Grapevine, TX. While there, I was able to promote our service to music teachers from all over the country—and some future music teachers too! The refrain I kept …
While reviewing our file archive, I came upon a letter sent to us in 1989 and experienced a sharp reminder of how our services have advanced in filling requests. At times, I have flashbacks to the pre-internet era and usually shudder. Speedy communication is one of the positives of the medium, it seems to me. …
Forty-three years ago patron Dianne Phelps earned her Music Education degree at Eastern New Mexico University. She faced difficult challenges with her partial vision at the time and struggled with some of the faculty, reluctant to award her a degree. Thankfully, she prevailed. Afterwards, she had a keyboard and was frustrated as she was not …
NLS music section was at the 16th Library of Congress National Book Festival at the Washington Convention Center on Saturday, September 24, 2016, to greet visitors and explain about our services. This event provided a wonderful opportunity for outreach, and we were able to talk to a wide variety of people who were not aware …
Since it’s back-to-school time, many folks find themselves looking for new projects, new topics of interest, and new hobbies. I sincerely hope that many of you reading this are hoping to learn how to play music or your favorite song, improving your already extant musical skill, or maybe teaching yourself about some topic in music …
We are approaching a holiday that signifies many things to people on the calendar: Labor Day. For children and teachers, it’s back to school. For the sports fan, anticipation for Friday night high school football (and half-time shows; a shout-out to the band kids) and Sunday afternoon professional leagues. But I would like to remind …
“You are beautiful! You make me so happy.” This maybe a typical remark of an ardent dog lover fussing over her Pomeranian, or a declaration by a young bridegroom as he gazes at his fiancée walking down the aisle in her gorgeous wedding gown. However, here in the Music Section, such sentiments are usually uttered …