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Category: Piano Music

Close-up of the fingers of two hands as the touch a paged filled with raised dots

EXTRA!!! Recent BARD Additions, Late January-February Edition

Posted by: Mary Dell Jenkins

Here is a listing of the most recent BARD additions.  If you aren’t able to find something on this list for learning or entertainment, check back next month, or the next; something will come your way.  In the meantime, a tune many of us heard from a television comedy of the 60s, “Ballad of Gilligan’s …

Close-up of the fingers of two hands as the touch a paged filled with raised dots

There’s No Song Like an Old Song

Posted by: Mary Dell Jenkins

I’m always reminding myself how fortunate I am to live in an area that offers not only great classical music, theater and dance performances, but many popular music performers make a stop, especially during the summer. Being a child of the sixties, rock and roll concerts usually meant performances in smoky nightclubs (missed out on …

Close-up of the fingers of two hands as the touch a paged filled with raised dots

Never Too Late!

Posted by: Mary Dell Jenkins

Forty-three years ago patron Dianne Phelps earned her Music Education degree at Eastern New Mexico University. She faced difficult challenges with her partial vision at the time and struggled with some of the faculty, reluctant to award her a degree. Thankfully, she prevailed. Afterwards, she had a keyboard and was frustrated as she was not …