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Category: Piano

Close-up of the fingers of two hands as the touch a paged filled with raised dots

American Composers and Musicians from A to Z: W (Part 2 – Whitaker, Matthew)

Posted by: Brian McCurdy

For this week's feature on American Composers and Musicians, we will look at the remarkable life and work of jazz pianist Matthew Whitaker. He will perform a free virtual concert, which will begin streaming on the Library's YouTube page on Wednesday, March 3, at 8:00 p.m.

Close-up of the fingers of two hands as the touch a paged filled with raised dots

Virtual Concert: Jazz Pianist Matthew Whitaker

Posted by: Brian McCurdy

The National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS), Library of Congress, will kick off its 90th anniversary celebration with a free virtual concert by jazz pianist Matthew Whitaker on Wednesday, March 3, at 8:00 p.m. (EST), and you're invited!

Close-up of the fingers of two hands as the touch a paged filled with raised dots

New BARD Additions: January 2021

Posted by: Katie Rodda

Today's blog post rounds up all the new digital acquisitions and digitized items added to BARD in January 2021 by he NLS Music Section.

Close-up of the fingers of two hands as the touch a paged filled with raised dots

American Composers and Blind Musicians from A to Z: U-V (Part 2 – Ungár, Imré)

Posted by: Katie Rodda

Today's blog post continues our series of American composers and blind musicians with Hungarian pianist Imré Ungár.

Close-up of the fingers of two hands as the touch a paged filled with raised dots

New BARD Additions: October 2020

Posted by: Brian McCurdy

The NLS Music Section is proud to announce our newest additions to BARD (Braille and Audio Reading Download) for the month of October!

Close-up of the fingers of two hands as the touch a paged filled with raised dots

American Composers and Musicians from A to Z: T (Part 2 — TATUM, Art)

Posted by: Gilbert Busch

In this week's NLS Music Notes blog post, learn more about the exceptionally gifted blind pianist, Art Tatum.

Close-up of the fingers of two hands as the touch a paged filled with raised dots

The French Connection: French Composers for Organ

Posted by: Katie Rodda

This blog post looks at the life of two renowned French composers for organ (Louis Vierne and Olivier Messiaen), and their compositions in the NLS Music Collection.

Close-up of the fingers of two hands as the touch a paged filled with raised dots

New BARD Additions: September 2020

Posted by: Lindsay Conway

The NLS Music Section has a batch of new braille music and talking books for you to enjoy! Check out what's new and available for download from BARD (Braille and Audio Reading Download)!