In this week's NLS Music Notes blog, learn about the incredible artistry of Jimi Hendrix--who challenged most preconceived notions of popular music in the 20th century to create a new space for music appreciation.
This week's post looks at songs featuring the mellotron available from our collection, as well as the history of this Space Age instrument in 1960s rock and roll.
“Tennessee, Tennessee, there ain’t no place I’d rather be”–This is the song that we have been singing for the past several weeks here in the Music Section of the National Library Service (along with Jerry Garcia and Robert Hunter in their song “Tennessee Jed”). The NLS national conference in Nashville has now come and gone, …
I’m always reminding myself how fortunate I am to live in an area that offers not only great classical music, theater and dance performances, but many popular music performers make a stop, especially during the summer. Being a child of the sixties, rock and roll concerts usually meant performances in smoky nightclubs (missed out on …
For this week’s blog, the staff of the Music Section decided it would be a good idea to update our readers on some of our newly added titles from Bill Brown. These books are not on BARD. However, they are all available on digital cartridge. If you see something that interests you, please get in touch …
On Saturday, May 6, 2017, I had the pleasure to present some braille music scores and talk about the NLS Music program to many people in a short amount of time. They were all very happy and streaming by the Main Reading Room desk in the Jefferson building at a very rapid pace. However, they …